News — learn

Martin Michael
What does reconstituted juice mean and why we never use it

What does reconstituted juice mean and why we never use it

What does reconstituted juice mean & why we NEVER ever use it! Reconstituted juice means CONCENTRATE that has been mixed back with water. We NEVER EVER use concentrate and that’s a value stay strong to because we want our products to be full of nutrients, the healthiest possible and with so much flavour enough to knock your socks off! The best (and not so scientific) way to describe concentrate is juice cooked into soup. That’s right, the juice is cooked until the water evaporates and it turns into syrup. The problem with this process is that when you place the...

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Martin Michael
The important stuff you should know about probiotics - and how they keep a healthy gut

The important stuff you should know about probiotics - and how they keep a healthy gut

It only takes a simple “what are probiotics” google search to find a plethora of articles, blog posts, studies & forums with an overwhelm of information on Probiotics. Since this is an important topic when it comes to health, we have put together THE IMPORTANT STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW about Probiotics. Let’s think about probiotics in a new way, or better yet, let’s take a quick step back and think about our gut health in a new way. The saying “you are what you eat” goes far beyond how healthy your skin looks. YOUR GUT HAS A BRAIN & IT...

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Martin Michael


Fermentation is an ancient method of preserving food. Examples of everyday fermented foods and drinks are wine, cider, cheese, yogurt and craft sodas. There are a number of benefits associated with fermented foods and drinks. They are usually correlated with supporting a healthy gut through probiotics and easy digestion.

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